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"~Tuhan tidak semestinya memberikan apa yang kita mahu,
Tetapi Tuhan pasti memberikan apa yang kita perlu~"
Blog Archive
Dis 19
- The Effects of Glasses on People!
- Top 10 Most Annoying Sounds!
- lappy u cap ape ek..
- time2 hari hujan apakah aktiviti yg anda lakukan? ...
- korea song vs japan song ?
- hot chocolate vs hot milo ?
- knp Facebook?? knp x Hairbook ke Legbook ke?
- ape ubat terbaik utk penyakit malas??
- Your celebrity crush is...?
- layan mirc x?
- perfume yg paling mahal korang pnah gune perfume ...
- ur dream car?
- Do you guys sing and dance while showering?
- do you think that having a steady relationship hel...
- sape dah tgk cite The Chronicles Of Narnia : The V...
- tgh jenjalan kt shopping complex an.. ttbe jumpe c...
- kalau kawan u pesan kat u *please take care of my ...
- do you love fashion? XD
- korang nak x couple ngan bekas gf/bf kawan2 korang?
- korangnye kasut saiz bape ek? hehe
- korang rse , projek ape yg besh utk rekaan /ciptaa...
- ase2 an korang nk g honeymoon kt ne? =D
- which do you prefer? a scandal or a lover?
- cuti sem korang beshh x ??
- memandangkn bru wt mende alah ney, , na jugak twu,...
- chicken chop or lamb chop?
- ape nasihat yg terhebat dan terbaik untuk orang ya...
- perempuan ni annoying ke?
- org 1st yg korg nk tikam sape?
- 'ucapkanlah kasih satu kata yg ku nantikan..sebab ...
- sin chan vs doraemon
- ape ciri2 org saiko?
- apa lelaki rasa bila dia terpaksa bercerai kasih d...
- kalo korang jumpe satos hengget kt lam shopping co...
- SPA tu ok ke?
- karaoke vs bowling ?
- bile korang stat kenal erti chenta?
- did u have twitter acc? follow me plz.. /mimi_emmert
- What you will do when your heart bleeding???
- Betul kerr pagi itu buta?? n malam itu indah??
Dis 19
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